

副教授  博士














1.Huang Q, Lu X H., Chen F, Zhang Q, Zhang H. High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Can Better Estimate Changes in Carbon Assimilation of an Urban Forest. Remote Sensing, 2023,15(1), 71.

2.Huang Q, Zhang F, Zhang Q, Jin Y, Lu X H, Li X Q, Liu J. Assessing the Effects of Human Activities on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity of Grasslands in Typical Ecologically Fragile Areas. Biology, 2023,12(1), 38.

3.Dong H H, Huang Q#, Zhang F Y, Lu X H, Zhang Q, Cao J J, Li N. Path of carbon emission reduction through land use pattern optimization under future scenario of multi-objective coordination. Frontiers in Environmental Science,2022, 10, 2273.

4.Zhang F Y, Lu X H, Huang Q#, Jiang F. Impact of different ERA reanalysis data on GPP simulation. Ecological Informatics, 2022, 68, 101520.

5.Huang Q, Ju WM, Zhang FY, Zhang Q. Roles of climate change and increasing CO2 in driving changes of net primary productivity in China simulated using a dynamic global vegetation model. Sustainability. 2019; 11(15):4176.

6.Huang Q, Qiu F, Fan WL, Liu YB, Zhang Q.Evaluation of different methods for estimating the fraction of sunlit leaves and its contribution for photochemical reflectance index utilization in a coniferous forest. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(14):1643.

7.Zhang Q, Chen JM, Ju WM, Wang HM, Qiu F, Yang FT, Fan WL, Huang Q, Wang YP, Feng YK, Wang XJ and Zhang FM. Improving the ability of the photochemical reflectance index to track canopy light use efficiency through differentiating sunlit and shaded leaves. Remote sensing of environment, 2017, 194: 1-15.

8.Zhang Q, Ju WM, Chen JM, Wang HM, Yang FT, Fan WL, Huang Q, Zheng T, Feng YK, Zhou YL, He MZ, Qiu F, Wang XJ, Wang J, Zhang FM and Chou SR. Ability of the photochemical reflectance index to track light use efficiency for a sub-tropical planted coniferous forest. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(12): 16938-16962.

9.Zhang FY, Pu LJ, Huang Q. Quantitative assessment of the human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) in the coastal areas of Jiangsu, China. Sustainability, 2015, 7(12): 15857-15870.

10.黄晴, 张万昌. 改进型 TOPMODEL 在不同尺度和气候条件流域上的适用性研究. 水土保持通报, 2008, 28(5): 48-54.

11.黄晴, 张万昌. 地形指数算法设计对分布式水文模型径流模拟影响研究. 水电能源科学, 2008, 26(6): 21-24.



居为民,卢学鹤,黄晴.《全球陆地碳汇的遥感和优化计算方法》第九章,科学出版社,2015: 150-166.
