

讲师  博士  江苏特聘教授






2008.09-2013.12  美国Boston College  博士

2014.07-2020.07  美国Human BioMolecular Research Institute  博士后/研究员



1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,新型抗胰腺癌药用活性分子的靶标发现、确认及调控机制研究,2023-012025-12,主持



1.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Wang, Xiaofeng; Yuan, Xuechun; Liu, Guangxiang; Chu, Qian*; Emerging roles of exosome-derived biomarkers in cancer theranostics: messages from novel protein targets, American Journal of Cancer Research, 2022, 12(5): 2226-2248.

2.Cheng, Jiongjia#; Tsuda Masanao#; Okolotowicz, Karl J.; Dwyer, Mary; Bushway, Paul J.; Colas, Alexandre R.; Lancman, Joseph J.; Schade, Dennis; Perea-Gil, Isaac; Bruyneel, Arne A.N.; Lee, Jaechol; Vadgama, Nirmal; Quach, Justine; McKeithan, Wesley L.; Biechele, Travis L.; Wu, Joseph C.; Moon, Randall T.; Dong, Duc Si; Karakikes, Ioannis; Cashman, John R.; Mercola, Mark*; Small-molecule probe reveals a kinase cascade that links stress signaling to TCF/LEF and Wnt responsiveness, Cell Chemical Biology, 2021, 28(5): 625-635.

3.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Cashman, John R.; Pancreatic cancer drug-sensitivity predicted by synergy of PAWI-2 and protein biomarker expression, Investigational New Drugs, 2021, 39(1):131-141.

4.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Cashman, John R.; PAWI-2 overcomes tumor stemness and drug resistance via cell cycle arrest in integrin β3-KRAS-dependent pancreatic cancer stem cells, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 9162 (article number).

5.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Cashman, John R.; PAWI-2: A Novel Inhibitor for Eradication of Cancer Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2020, 29, 1147-1159.

6.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Okolotowicz, Karl J.; Ryan, Daniel; Mose, Evangeline; Lowy, Andrew M.; Cashman, John R.; Inhibition of invasive pancreatic cancer: Restoring cell apoptosis by activating mitochondrial p53, American Journal of Cancer Research, 2019, 9(2): 390-405.

7.Cheng, Jiongjia*; Dwyer, Mary; Okolotowicz, Karl J.; Mercola, Mark; Cashman, John R.; A novel inhibitor targets both Wnt signaling and ATM/p53 in colorectal cancer, Cancer Research, 2018, 78(17): 5072-5083.