

教授  博士



电子邮箱hbduan@njxzc.edu.cn; duanhaibao4660@163.com



1998.09-2002.07  安庆师范大学   理学学士

2004.09-2006.12  大连理工大学   理学硕士

2007.09-2009.12  南京工业大学   工学博士

2010.10-2013.06  南京工业大学    博士后

2014.12-2015.12  美国加州大学洛杉矶分校高级访问学者

2009.12-至今     南京晓庄学院     讲师、副教授、教授











1.W.B.Feng, W.Xu, H.B.Duan*, H. Zhang. ‘Multi-step phase transition crystal with dielectric constant bistability and temperature-dependent conductivity’ RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 32475-32479.

2.S.S.Yu, H.R.Zhao,J.H.Shi,H.Zhang*,H. B. Duan*.‘Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a series of novel low melting salts without alkyl groups’ CrystEngComm., 2021, 23, 8150-8158.

3.S.S.Yu,C.Y.Xu,X.Pan,X.Q.Pan,H.B. Duan*, H. Zhang*.‘Multifunctional chiral three-dimensional phosphite frameworks showing dielectric anomaly and high proton conductivity’ Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9, 778687-778693.

4.S.S.Yu,H. R. Zhao, H. Zhang*, H. B. Duan*.‘Two chiral haloplumbate hybrids with thermochromism luminescence and application potential as luminescent thermometers’ Dalton Trans., 2020, 49,16643-16648.

5.X. Jiang, H. B. Duan*, M. J. Jellen, Y. Chen, T. S. Chung, Y. Liang, M. A. Garcia-Garibay*, ‘Thermally activated transient dipoles and rotational dynamics of hydrogen-bonded and charge-transferred diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane molecular rotors’ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 16802-16809.

6.W.Xu,S.S.Yu,H.Zhang,H.B.Duan*. ‘A three-dimensional metal–organic framework for a guest-free ultra-low dielectric material’ RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 16183-16186.

7.Z.P.Wang,S.S.Yu,H.Zhang,H.B.Duan*.‘Thermochromic luminescence and dielectric response of copper(I) iodide based MOFs as luminescent thermometer’ Synth. Met., 2019, 255, 116104-116109.

8.Y. B. Tong, Z. F. Tian, H. B. Duan, Z. P. Zhu, W. He, T. Y. Hong, G. Yu, Y. J.He,J.K.Yang.‘[(18-Crown-6)K][Fe(1)Cl(1)4]0.5[Fe(2)Cl(2)4]0.5:A multifunctional molecular switch of dielectric, conductivity and magnetic properties’ Chem. Asian J., 2018, 13, 656 -663.

9.Q.M.Zhou, Z.R.Deng, S.S.Yu, L.F.Wang, H.B.Duan*,Y.Zhou,X.M. Ren.* ‘Dual emissions and thermochromic luminescence behavior of chloroplumbate organic-inorganic hybrid crystals’ Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2018, 33, 3748-3756.

10.H.B.Duan*, S.S.Yu,S.X.Liu,H.Zhang.‘An inorganic-organic hybrid crystal with a two-step dielectric response and thermochromicluminescence’Dalton. Trans., 2017, 46,2220-2227.

11.Y. B. Tong, S. X. Liu, Y. Zou, C. Xue, H. B. Duan*, J. L. Liu, X. M. Ren. ‘Insight into understanding dielectric behavior of a Zn-MOF using variable-temperature crystal structures, electrical conductance, and solid-state 13C NMR spectra’ Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 11716-11726.

12.X.Jiang,H.B.Duan*,S.I.Khan,M.A.Garcia-Garibay*.‘Diffusion-controlle rotation of triptycene in a Metal-organicFramework (MOF) sheds light on the viscosity of MOF-confinedsolvent’ ACS Cent. Sci., 2016, 2, 608-613.

13.H. B. Duan, S. S. Yu, Y. B. Tong, H. Zhou, X. M. Ren*. ‘Two in one: switchable ion conductivity and white light emission integrated in an iodoplumbatebased twin chain hybrid crystal’ Dalton. Trans., 2016, 45, 4810-4818.

14.Y.B.Tong,L.T.Ren, H.B.Duan*, J.L.Liu, X. M. Ren*.‘An amphidynamic inorganic-organichybridcrystal of bromoplum bate wi 1,5-bis(1-methylimidazolium)pentane exhibiting multifunctionality of a dielectric anomaly and temperature-dependent dual band emissions’ Dalton. Trans., 2015, 44, 17850-17858.

15.S. S. Yu, S. X. Liu, H. B. Duan*.‘Dielectric response and anhydrous proton conductivity in a chiral framework containing a non-polar molecular rotor’Dalton.Trans., 2015, 44, 20822-20825.

16.H. B. Duan, X. R. Chen, H. Yang, X. M. Ren*, F. Xuan, S. M. Zhou* ‘Disorder-order transformation and significant dislocation motion cooperating with a surprisingly large hysteretic magnetic transition in a nickel−isdithiolene spinsystem’ Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52,3870-3877.

17.H. B. Duan, H. R. Zhao, X. M. Ren*, H. Zhou, Z. F. Tian, W. Q. Jin. ‘Inorganic-organic hybrid compounds based on face-sharing octahedral [PbI3]- chains:self-assemblies, crystal structures, and ferroelectric, photoluminescence properties’ Dalton. Trans., 2011, 1672-1683.

18.H. B. Duan, X. M. Ren*, L. J. Shen, W. Q. Jin, Z. F. Tian, S. M. Zhou*. ‘A low-dimensional molecular spin system with two steps of magnetic transitions and liquid crystal property’ Dalton. Trans., 2011, 40, 3622-3630.

19.H. B. Duan, X. M. Ren*, Q. J. Meng*. ‘One-dimensional (1D) [Ni(mnt)2]- based spin-Peierls-like complexes: structural, magnetic and transition properties’ Coord. Chem. Rev., 2010, 254, 1509-1522.



1.2021年 江苏省科技副总

2.2018年 江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才

3.2017年 江苏省高校青蓝工程中青年学术带头人

4.2016年 江苏省333工程第三批次培养对象


